Nation States & Regions


Region to the west of Laridian across the Abathian Ocean, spread out across the southern mainland of Karthes and it's surrounding archepelago. Primerally populated by humans, the area is ruled by a number of citystates of varying governmental forms. The most powerful is arguably the city of Natheris, on the island of Mikosa to the west of the region.
The region is known for it's philosophers, artists and centers of learning more than any exported goods - though the region is rich in copper and iron ore.


Situated to the North of Gondesalos on the Karthes continent, Budek is a nation state ruled by a Hobgoblin military heirarchy. The land consists primerally of steppe terrain stretching up into alpine forests in its mountainous northern reaches. While not particularly rich in resorces, or agriculture, the region is both respected and feared for its extremely powerful military power. Frequently hire forces out to its neighbours, serving as mercenaries - bringing in significant finances.
Supprisingly peaceful towards their neighbours, but brutally put down any threats to their power.


Elven nation half way around the world to the east from Laridian, seperate continent shared with no other major power.
Name means "The Children of the Forest" entire teratory is a massive rainforest, ranging from hot at the equator to cold in its southern reaches.
Arogant Eliteist Arseholes, never get them started about fucking trees.

Empire of Shamak

Dragon ruled empire to the east-north-east of Laridian, large dragonborn population but most other species make up a part of their population. Major source of dragon ancestry sorcerers and other dragon affiliated groups.
Any and all natives who develop magical abilities are expected, and required by law, to serve in the Emperor's military forces. Plenty of young mages flee before being conscripted.

Cúh-Theki League

Alliance of citystates along the south eastern continent's shores and up it's major rivers into the rainforested interior.
Majority of the population are Lizardfolk and other reptilian species, Yaunti particularly well represented.
Wealthy with gold and products of the forest, they have had several conflicts with their draconic northern neighbours over the years.

Kingdom of Jaridia

To the north west of Gondesalos this kingdom has a strongly matriarchal culture, the leader - regardless of gender - is refered to as King, combined with a strong warrior cultural ideal. Mulitple noble houses jockying for position between each other, bringing in members as and when needed, and transfering other members to other houses for various reasons.
Human and Tabaxi make up the majority of the population, though both Wemic and Leonids are common enough sights in Jaridian cities.
Economy is mostly based off of mining and farming, though a notable manufacturing culture appears to be developing.

The City Republic of Lukuda

Defacto hegemon of the otherwise dispirate citystates making up the teratory between Gondesalos and Jaridia. Economic power is this sprawling citystate's lifeblood, serving as a major tradehub for it's region and between it's surrounding nations.
Majority of the population is human, though every single species alive today can be found amid the city's sprawling population.
Located directly on the coast at the head of the Lukudi River, it's effective control stretches across the entire stretch of the river basin.
The majority of customers for the items you will be recovering are based here - and thus this is where I myself will be located while we work together.


Religious nation state to the south of Gondesalos, on the Orbia peninsula and the rather desertified northern coastline of the Damid Wastes. Originally founded in it's namesake city to ensure the worshipers of the five would continue to use the city in peace.
The city is a bloody powderkeg, with its five main religions steadily diverging away from eachother, and splintering into factions within themselves, it's only a matter of time before things start to get dicy.
Dejure leaders are the five Pontifs, a group of befudled old clerics long past their prime. Defacto the leader of the nation is the head of it's civil service. The current leader appears to be a pious but thankfully benevolent one.
Population is diverse, with large human and halfling populations, complimented by representatives of most known species. Few lizardfolk.

The Damid Wastes

Far to the south and directly attached to the lower regions of Horchata, the Damid wastes are an antarctic tundra region stretching most of the way around the polar ice sheet. Anarchic and with few perminant settlements, the area is a hub for Barbarians, Orcs and Gnollish tribes.

Weirdly popular tourist destination.


Citystate to the east of Gondesalos, on the eastern coast of the mainland, Karithic is probably the least safe place to live on the planet.
Sitting attop of a dimentional anomoly that bridges between our world and the Underdark, the city is a major trade hub between the two worlds. If it's city leadership were more stable, and substantial, it could be a rival for Lukuda itself.
The city lacks any central law or indeed any real drive to adopt one, it is a fantastic place to get rich and die trying.
Obviously it serves as a major hub for underdark races - including both Drow and Mindflayer communities. Open ones at that.


To the east of Budek and north of Karithic, Xekylia is a mess of citystates, petty kingdoms, republic of the week's and warlord barons. The region is incredibly dencely populated with more cities than any other region, packed together along a cramped coastline penned in between the mountains and the sea.
Supprisingly good agriculture, second only to Marrona, helps feed the very mobile population. Since most governments do not last longer than the span of a season, the people of Xekylia are used to moving from place to place fairly regularly.
Most species are found here, as are a lot of adventurers and mercenaries - all hired on by the various micronations to fight in the constant wars that plague the region.


Located off of the coast of Jaridia, Marrona consists of a series of large volcanic islands stretching out across the sea vaguely towards Laridia itself. Most productive farming region in the world thanks to their purchase of Laridian agricultural tech shortly before the night of fire.
Somewhat democratic with a semi-decentralised power structure vaguely based on villiage councils working together. The biggest "City" in the region is a large town with docks better suited for a true city.
Population is mostly a mix of humans and elves, though both feline and draconic races make up a diverse immigrant culture.


Pantheon of Horchata

The five gods of the Horchatan pantheon were, in their former lives, an adventuring party that slain a great demonic threat to our world some eight hundred years ago. They consisted of the folowing:

1, Baldagar - Measured Force.
A half orc barbarian in life, Baldagar was known to be both patient and measured in his response to all things. He is a Lawful Neutral god.

2, D'Ghen - Finance & Honour
A Dwarven Artificer, known for honouring his oaths and his financial accumen. Lawful good, he sells tour tickets for his folowers afterlife.

3, Ja'ami Gid - Magical Practice
Ja'ami was a Half Elf wizard cursed with a poor memory, prayers to her take the form of litanies of the things she must remember. Chaotic good.

4, Mavrin DuChar - Art & Lovers
A human bard, Mavrin had an outragous accent and a string of bastards, his preists annoy Baldaganian ones to this day. Chaotic Neutral.

5, Dro'Lek Kavak - Power & Justice
Dro is a controversial figure amid the pantheon, a Dragonborn Sorcerer he joined up with the party less out of a sense of good or right, and more from a need to remove competitors. His preists mention that he is quite annoyed he didn't get to enjoy the fruits of his labor before accending to godhood. Lawful Evil.

Machi Dai Boore

Tabaxi Trickster god, a font of pure chaos.
Jovial, but not nice, Machi is as likely to lure your foes away as to stab you in the back for giggles.
His worshipers seek not to glorify him, but simply to appease him.


Feathered serpent god of the Cúh-Theki. Fond of blood sacrifice, but provides a fine bounty for his worship. Lawful in nature. 


 Undeath, a god of Liches and Necromancers. Absolute dick if you are alive, charming and polite if undead. Takes the form of a walking skeleton.

Cortox the Unbelieveable

Leader of the Divine Bureaucracy, his worshipers become the Civil Servants of reality. Also takes in those who do not worship a god.


Dwarven goddess of blood, pain and motherhood. A hard god to please, but damn proud of those who do. Likes a good paladin.


Kobold god of thievery, rice and Lawyers. Nobody is quite sure how he got rice under his area of control.

The Jaridian Spirits

A somewhat nebulous series of household level spirits worshiped by the Jaridian peoples. With representatives of just about every possible alignment or purpose. They are not worshiped individually, though it is standard to direct your prayer towards the spirit closest in nature to that which you wish to acheive - of who you share a special affinity for.


 Lizardfolk god of hunters, widely worshiped the world over. Very practically minded god, no mythologising over what’s going on - strait up good advice on hunting various animals makes up their littergy. A lot of elven worshipers surprisingly - very protective of natural habitats. No longer requires a gender, so does not have one.

King Darmak the Unrepentant

Decadent human king who died of heart, and liver… ..and kidney.. know what, Multiple organ Failure after a life of excess. Ended up being jokingly worshiped as a god of wine and overindulgence


Volcano goddess from Gondesalos, wrathful and tempestuous - but also a goddess of bountiful harvests and long summers. Known for being somewhat promiscuous both with other gods and mortals -but the mortal fathers rarely survive the birthing pain’s she sends to them.

Izgur of the Soaring Arches

Gondesalos architect of world wide renown who ended up becoming a god of artists. In the process he lost his muse, a fact he is VERY angry about. He can inspire other artists, in fact he is unable to NOT inspire them. This makes him a very wrathful god. Artists traditionally dedicate their Magnum Opus to Izgur. Anything less than their best offends him, but not dedicating anything is even worse.


Goddess of the sea, associated with calm waters. Regarded as a very good god by those who have oar powered boats, a bloody menace by those who use wind power.